Monday, October 1, 2012


I'm an insecure person.
I cannot decide.
I cannot do.
To me this does not concern me very well.
If I had more confidence in myself....

What do these phrases sound? Do you hear banging on your mind? Do you say it out loud? ufff ... hopefully not ... but, if you think you cannot, I'd like you to go on reading.

What do you think is self-confidence? Anything you're born with? Do you think there are 
people touched with magic wand who are more confident than others?
People who are confident, they are certain that they will succeed, and has the strength to do it. But, do you born confident?

Notes to these 3 KEY

• Confidence is a state of mind.
• Trust is not something you have, but something that one develops. (Even you!)
• No one is confident all the time, but can be improved with practice.

You see ... You too can have confidence. Although until now you felt confident, secure, and capable. Remember it is a state of mind. And who sends in your mind? The ideas that you feed.

How to be improving our self-confidence every day?

It is important to be aware of these three ways to improve security in yourself. Every day you do, you will develop more confidence and improving your mental state. What if you try it? What is very likely to succeed!!

• Change your limiting beliefs
• Focus your Thoughts
• Pay attention to your body posture
These three points are vital!

Limiting Beliefs
Remember that you can choose "to believe that will not make it" or "I do believe you will succeed." If you visualize yourself achieving your goals, if you ensure yourself you will, if you are filled with positive beliefs, avoiding negative hear your own voice. You will.

Positive Thoughts
If you are constantly thinking you cannot, you're not worth it, they're no good, it is not for you, then I assured that you will do everything necessary to don’t get it. But if you automotive, asking positives questions, giving you good messages, and taking action, you will see how the confidence, seeing your good results, increases more and more ...

Body Posture (Physiology)
I would like now, bring to mind the image of someone with self-confidence. Tell me what you see. How is the position of your body? Let me check it out together. That person sure of herself, walks upright, with your back straight, shoulders back, head straight forward, slightly raised, even when sitting seems not carry a ton of weight on himself. That is what you must learn. CHANGE YOUR POSITION CHANGE YOUR STATE. Try it and tell me.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

10 tips to stay on the crest of the wave

Put passion in your life.
  • Your environment needs your energy. Make them see you as a source of hope and inspiration and it put the heart in what you do and let your mind do the rest.
Treat others as you want to be treated.
  • In life we are not alone and in our race less. The success and our survival depend largely on others.
  • Give more than what they expected from you. 
  • Shine for your generosity in the midst of the jungle selfish.
Your customers are your treasure.
  • Without customers we are a non-egg omelette. And do not forget our internal customers.
Establishing school.
  • Think about sharing experiences isolated structures and processes useful in the future. Systematized and be a reference.
Learn, improve and catch up.
  • The business changes, the environment changes, the world changes. Understand what happens, have the tools to act and respond to customers, go out to meet the needs and captures the trends.
Be the ROI in mind.
  • You do not work for the devil, you work to pay off, to make money. Do not forget to first explain to you and then others the profitability of your actions.
Sharpen your strategy and your business.
  • Keep an eye on tomorrow. Harmonize your mission and vision with your organizationand the values ​​indicate that you are on the right track.
Roll up your sleeves.
  • Nothing left to do but will not directly applicable. Delegate whenever possible but when the work intensified the callus and always gives good vibes.
Take care, polishes and works your personal brand.
  • Own right will be the one, do not spoil. Watch your personal brand as the most precious and let yourself be guided by experts. Self-prescription may be harmful and not lead to expected results in the shortest time possible.

Jordi Collell (author) 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Welcome to the paradise

Through every passing century, Cozumel became one of the most important sanctuaries in the Yucatan region. And the Mayan influence remains today. But that is just the beginning. Let us take you on a guided tour and uncover the magic of the ancient Maya. You’ll soon realize why this is like no other island in the world.
Cozumel is just 30 miles from north to south and 10 miles from east to west, so you can easily explore the island on your visit. But within its sandy borders, there is so much to fall in love with.

Cozumel is just 30 miles from north to south and 10 miles from east to west, so you can easily explore the island on your visit. But within its sandy borders, there is so much to fall in love with.
On average, the island stays around a blissful 80 degrees. The summers are slightly warmer, ranging in the mid 80s to 90s and the winters cool to the mid 70s. It’s always a beach day in Cozumel, as the water ranges from a warm 77 to 82 degrees throughout the year. Cozumel is home to the largest reef system in the Americas, the Mesoamerican Reef. Teeming with hundreds of tropical fish, turtles and other vibrant sea life, it is truly a diver's dream. But even if you don’t explore down into the depths of the ocean, there is much to see for snorkelers too. There are as many as 250 different species of tropical fish including the queen angelfish and the illusive toadfish, seen nowhere else in the world.


The International Airport of Cozumel is located on 65 Av. and Boulevard Aeropuerto, less than a 5 minute drive to the downtown area.

Airport to hotel transportation is concessioner to private companies for better service and they use only Shared Vans. No private taxi services are available.

You can also rent a car at the airport. If you do have a car, all you need to do is get a printed local guide of the island to find your way around. Driving in Cozumel is very easy.


AIR SHUTTLE: Just a 15 minutes ride with Mayair, with 6 daily round flights, in comfortable 36 passenger aircrafts, starting as early as 7:15 am from Cozumel to Cancun to as late as 9:25 pm from Cancun to Cozumel, every two odd hours from Cancun and pair hours from Cozumel.


With their new fast boats, regular schedules and convenient service you can be in Cozumel in 30 minutes departing from Playa del Carmen starting as early as 6:00 AM from Cozumel to as late as 10:00 PM from Playa del Carmen. 

Come and visit this beautiful Mexican Caribbean paradise where you will find security and tranquility, the island of Cozumel is considered the island of peace.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Apertura de un segmento de mercado en un destino turístico

Terminando una producción televisiva con la cadena telemundo networks  Fashion Tour Cozumel  (Turismo Medico) en la cual participe como representante de uno de los promotores de esta apertura de turismo medico en la isla de Cozumel, proyecto en el que he venido trabajando desde hace ya mas de un año, desde la creación de paquetes, como la comparación de tarifas para hacer los precios mas competitivos, como los enlaces internacionales para que este proyecto se lleve a cabo, hemos encontrado la gran oportunidad de aperturar este mercado en este bello rincón del caribe mexicano el cual se encuentra aun limpio y sin aquella violencia tan mencionada en los medios de comunicación, esta ventaja la tenemos gracias a que al ser una Isla de unos 2 mil habitantes aproximadamente aun conserva ese folclor en el que conocemos a nuestros vecinos y saludamos a todos en la calle.

Todo se manejo en base a una producción sequenciada estratégica contando con la participación de grandes empresas y empresarios que aportaron su tiempo y sus facilidades para arrancar este nicho.


Les invito a darle una mirada y poner sus comentarios.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


  Medical tourism or health travel is a general term to describe travelling outside your primary residence to receive medical treatment.  Medical tourism is quickly becoming a viable option for patients requiring treatments, growing an estimated rate of 15% each year.  There are many types of individuals who seek medical care afar: the uninsured, which encompass more than 46 million Americans, insured patients seeking treatments not covered by their policy,  or procedures that are simply not available in their country of origin.   Especially for US patients, medical tourism means significant discounts for out-of-pocket expenses and is an attractive and affordable alternative.

 Cozumel, our beautiful Caribbean island, known for world-class diving and as a friendly and safe cruise destination is the ideal location for Medical Tourism, since the island has two large international airports nearby, with relatively short, cheap flights from many major US, Canadian and European destinations,  as well as affordable hotel packages. 

 Costa Med Medical Group, comprised of the Cozumel Medical Center on the island, Costamed Clinic in Playa del Carmen and Costadental clinics, has brought together a specialized group of physicians who provide high quality, bilingual, patient-focused medical service in a local state-of the-art medical infrastructure.  Personnel and medical installations that were once reserved solely to resolve emergencies are now being utilized by choice for this new group of travelers or expatriates living abroad. 


 The Medical Tourism Association (MTA) is the first non-profit association made up of top international hospitals, heal care providers, governments, heal care clusters, medical tourism facilitators, insurance companies, and other affiliated companies and members with the common goal of promoting the highest level of quality of heal care to patients in global environment.  As a member of the MTA, Costamed Medical Group will be present this following year at the Chicago conference 2011.     After participating the last year in this congress, my personal opinion regarding Medical Tourism is that it has become one of the  key growing industries in the world, this year’s meeting has helped foster a stable forum for the communication of health industry participations to ensure transparency and quality of health care being provided to patients without hidden costs or unpredicted expenses. The face time at the exhibit hall provided valuable insight of varying country’s medical facilities and services, its infrastructure, traditional values and culture.

The Congress was indeed a most productive and enjoyable international forum of industry leaders and policy makers. The presence of Costamed Medical Group and Costadental  ( CMC Hospital and Costadental Clinics ) provided a valuable avenue to explain the benefits of Health and Medical Tourism in the Mexican Caribbean, especially Cozumel.   The energy and excitement surrounding this cutting-edge industry was contagious. The impact medical tourism will have on the new health reform coming to America is something everyone should stand up and pay attention to.  Medical Tourism will play a major role in the future of Healthcare.
 Currently, Costamed Medical Group offers affordable alternatives for patients seeking treatments in many specialties including routine and cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, general and laparoscopic surgery, gallbladder surgery, obesity surgery, routine checkups, capsule video endoscopy, colonoscopy, Botox injections, nose surgery, deviated septum, plastic surgery, hernia repair, bronchoscope, gynecological surgery, and much more.  For procedures that are preapproved or emergencies we can accept your US based medical insurance or any major Mexican insurance policy as well.

¿Cuales son Los Derechos de Los Pacientes?

Para establecer que derechos tenemos como pacientes, primero es necesario saber que bases legales protegen el bienestar del ser humano, Nuestra Constitución Política salvaguarda que toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de la salud. Pero aquí es necesario preguntar esta protección ¿quien la otorga?. En este sentido la  misma Ley General de Salud establece que puede ser otorgada por los prestadores de servicios de salud, de los sectores público, social y privado.  Es  decir, que tanto las instituciones del gobierno, como las privadas y asociaciones civiles pueden contribuir al bienestar de nuestra población.

Cuando la Ley establece que la salud debe ser otorgada a toda persona, esta al mismo tiempo manifestando que no debe de existir ningún tipo de discriminación, luego entonces este es nuestro primer derecho como pacientes, pero,  cabe aquí una pregunta  ¿que derechos tenemos en el momento que ingresamos a una clínica u hospital ya sea del sector publico o privado?, para responder  esto, primeramente es necesario comentar, que  los servicios públicos y los privados no se rigen igual, ya que los servicios privados se guían bajo estándares internos y en algunos caso internacionales con respecto a la calidad y tipo de atención que requiere un paciente. Mientras que el servicio de salud publico obedece a programas nacionales o estatales al igual que campañas buscando dar la mayor y mejor protección a la comunidad, los dos sistemas son validos y no están en disputa ni son distantes, al fin de cuentas el objetivo de ambos sectores es la  prolongación y mejoramiento de la calidad de la vida humana.  Estos sistemas de atención médica obedecen también a la Ley General de Salud y Normas Oficiales las cuales están bajo la vigilancia  y control de la Secretaría de Salud a nivel Federal y de los órganos que dependen de ella en todo el territorio nacional.

Una vez que tenemos una mas clara descripción de quienes son nuestras autoridades y sus leyes, el  objetivo de los sectores publico, privado y social que se encargan de dar los servicios de  salud, podemos establecer de manera mas sencilla a que otros derechos tiene un paciente.

Todo paciente sin discriminación de ningún tipo tiene derecho a:

·         Recibir prestaciones de salud oportunas y de calidad.
·         Solicitar la atención medica en la institución hospitalaria que él considere idónea.
·         Solicitar su alta voluntaria cuando así lo considere.
·         recibir atención profesional y éticamente responsable, así como trato respetuoso y digno de los profesionales, técnicos y auxiliares.
·         Recibir información clara, oportuna y suficiente sobre las condiciones y efectos de su enfermedad y los tipos de tratamientos por los cuales puede optar según la enfermedad que padezca.
·         Dar su consentimiento informado por escrito para la aplicación o no de tratamientos, medicamentos y cuidados paliativos adecuados a su enfermedad, necesidades y calidad de vida.
·         Ser tratado con la confidencialidad que requiera su salud.
·         En los casos de urgencia contar con asistencia médica.
·         Contar con un expediente médico que tenga su historial clínica y antecedentes.

En este mismo sentido también es correcto hacer mención cuales en términos generales son las principales obligaciones con las que deben de cumplir  los prestadores de servicios médicos:

·         Contar con un aviso de funcionamiento, este documento debe estar a la vista de los pacientes y en el se establecen las características y tipo de servicios a que estén destinados y, en el caso de establecimientos particulares, se señalará también al responsable sanitario.
·         La operación y funcionamiento de los establecimientos deberá cumplir con el reglamento de la Ley  General de Salud y Normas Oficiales Mexicanas (NOM) que correspondan.
·         Contar con un área de atención a los usuarios en casos de quejas
·         Que el personal que preste sus servicios  en el establecimiento cuente con las cedulas, certificaciones, estudios y capacitación actualizada y vigentes, que permitan brindar una atención médica idónea y profesional al paciente.
·         Que en los casos en que el padecimiento rebase la capacidad técnica, profesional del establecimiento este realice el traslado del paciente a una facilitación hospitalaria más adecuada.

 Una vez  que ya tenemos conocimiento de cuales son nuestros derechos al igual que las obligaciones que debe de cubrir un establecimiento medico, en caso de ver que no se respetan nuestros derechos o el establecimiento no cumple con los requisitos ¿con quien acudo a pedir auxilio?. Al respecto nuestro gobierno ha establecido organismos que en conjunto o de manera separada pueden darnos la asesoría y resolución adecuada:

·         Las Autoridades sanitarias a través de la Jurisdicción Sanitaria a la que corresponda mi localidad estos órganos dependen de la Comisión Federal Contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS).
·         El Ministerio Publico cuando se haya sido objeto o se tenga conocimiento de un ilícito.
·         La Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor cuando los servicios otorgados por el Prestador no son los pactados con el consumidor.
·         Y las Comisiones Estatales y Nacional de Arbitraje Médico en casos de discrepancia sobre los servicios médicos recibidos.

En términos generales hemos visto cuales son los derechos, las autoridades, establecimientos e instancias con las cuales un paciente puede contar en nuestro País. Es obligación de nosotros como pacientes el solicitar su cumplimiento y señalar e informar a nuestras Autoridades cuando no se estén acatando sus disposiciones en materia de salud, ya que  al final lo más importante que buscamos es el bienestar   y primordialmente  el cuidado de la vida, que es el derecho más fundamental que tiene el ser humano.

Why choose a certified doctor and hospital?

Besides the actual costs, there are other financial considerations to look into.

México as a médical destinación. Even after considering travel and lodging expenses related to the surgery, a 50% to 60% cost saving can be achieved.

Countries like Mexico  are able to provide low cost because the general cost of living there is lower than in USA, Overhead expenses for the hospital & medical professionals are also much lower. This means the cost of hospital services, surgeon's fee, food, and boarding is generally lower here in Cozumel than in USA.
Cheap in Mexico does not mean the quality is inferior. Mexico has some of the most experienced and qualified surgeons. Hundreds of Americans visit Mexico for a satisfying surgery every month. Many Mexican surgeons are certified.

Mexican Hospitals

While deciding on a hospital, costs should not be the only criteria. There are certain factors the patient needs to take into account beside costs. Here are some of them:
Decide on which would be better for your needs: a hospital or a clinic (surgery center)? Doctors would advise going for a fully integrated hospital. The reason being, in rare cases of unexpected surgical emergency or a medical complication, a hospital happens to be a definitely a better option than a clinic. It is also important that the patients select a hospital with ICU, MRI, Pharmacy, Cafeteria, X-Ray, and doctor offices at the same premises. Another thing to consider is the geographic location.
Also crucial is the past record & reputation of the hospital. The hospital staff should know English. Most of the times, a patient will have a guest to come along to Mexico and the guest would need a place to stay while in Mexico. Our hospital CMC provides boarding arrangements. Checking out this information beforehand is recommended.
Not to mention the credentials & experience of the surgeon and doctors are vital points to consider. Things to look for here are successful surgeries or treatments the doctors have carried out in the past. More the surgeries better the doctor. A surgeon with 900 surgeries is a much better choice than a surgeon who has done only 200. Do check if the surgeons are certified by the medical board. Do they speak good English? 

Look for surgeons certified.